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Walnut Creek, CA
Computer Club of Rossmoor

Problem with new member sign in process

  • 11/02/2024 10:02 PM
    Message # 13426576

    I just joined the Rossmoor Computer Club and paid my dues.  Everything worked. However, I was NOT asked to create a password for my account.  I logged out of the system. I went to sign in and chose the option that I "forgot my password." I followed this process and created a new password for my account.  I don't know if what happened to me was an aberration but it is not a good practice and should be corrected by the vendor.

    Last modified: 11/02/2024 10:03 PM | Anonymous member
  • 11/03/2024 10:35 AM
    Reply # 13426655 on 13426576
    Larry Woods (Administrator)

    When you join the Computer Club, you are assigned a temporary password that is sent to you via email. Within 24 hours, I changed the password to FlashClass#2. After that you can change your password by using the forgot password link.

    Larry Woods
    Membership Chairman

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