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Walnut Creek, CA
Computer Club of Rossmoor

Apple Photo Stream

  • 05/30/2023 9:53 AM
    Message # 13208160

    Will someone please explain what the new message about Photo Stream means for users.  I’ve read the explanations but still don’t get what I need to do to protect my photos. And if I take a photo on my phone now, will it not show up on my computer or IPad? There have to be a lot of people who are really confused by this. 

  • 05/31/2023 8:53 AM
    Reply # 13208653 on 13208160
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Photo Stream is (was) a temporary storage of the most current 1,000 photos you've taken that, for 1 month, are available to all of your devices on the same Apple ID. The better way to make ALL of your photos available to all your devices is with iCloud Photos, which keeps them all in your iCloud storage with no limits (other than the capacity of your iCloud storage) and for as long as you want them kept. It's the FREE Photo Stream that is going away; iCloud Photos is now the way to do it. [For help and more information about iCloud, stay tuned for my future iCloud Flash Class.]

    Last modified: 05/31/2023 8:56 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

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